Leave your Comfort Zone

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Two leprous men are seated outside a famine stricken city which has been engulfed with a wall to prevent enemies from coming in. They are there not by choice but by force, after being evicted from the city because of their plague. In their minds is one big thought; “we shall die if we do not take action”
  They somehow find knowledge and do a simple analysis of the situation at hand. They say to one another; “If we stay here we shall die of famine, if we go in to the city where we came from, we will still die because the famine is still there. Moreover it is illegal for us to be there, we may also be killed” Leprosy was a bad disease and like Ebola victims; the leprous persons would be segregated and sent away far from people. These men then discover an opportunity and they conclude their thought by saying. Let us go to the camp of our enemy, if they kill us, well and good that is what we are bound to get, if they spare us and give us food, well we will continue living.
    These four men highlighted in the bible, beat one challenge in life; “Their comfort zone”
  Many people are willing to stay in the same place today rather than taking a risk towards a better future. They forget that the worst outcome of the risk is the same as the fate of the comfort zone. Take an example whereby a person is living from paycheck to pay check, another opportunity alongside is offering a slightly higher amount than the one they are earning, and on top of that there is hope of maneuvering to financial freedom faster than it is in the current place.  Someone will decide to hold on to the current job rather than moving to the one “with a promise” They fear the worst, asking questions like “What if I fail? What if it doesn’t work well for me? Well this can happen but the same thing will befall you while you are in the current Job. You will still pile debts until you are equally the same as the person who has nothing, or who is earning nothing. What achievement will you have to show after that period of time?

There is no way you can experience increase unless you take a step towards hope. If in the place you are today, there is no hope of a good future and you are sure of that, you better move towards hope. If you’re current work place is without hope, and there is another place with relatively limited resources but hope, then move. Do not comfort yourself saying “I have learnt to be content with the little I get” Being Content does not mean borrowing to survive. It means not coveting what others have acquired, because you cannot acquire.

When these men took a step of faith towards hope, God magnified their steps and the enemies who were in the other camp fled thinking that someone was coming to attack them. Watch now and see, these beggars become rich in a day. When they came to the enemies’ camp, they found no one. They looked around and there was everything they needed and wanted. In fact at this point they had everything from the enemy at their disposal. They became rich in a day and brought life in to a city which was long dead. Though they were counted as dead and forgotten by those inside, they became the only source of life. Why? Because they left their comfort zone.  It does not matter what rating you have been given by your colleagues. You can turn around and be on top of them by just taking a step towards hope.
I thank God, Hope does not disappoint. I tell you this truth that you will only be disappointed if you lack hope. It does not matter how tough life has become to your side. If you can take action and move towards hope, then you can become anything. Philippians 4:13 says “ I can do all thing through Christ who gives me strength.” You realize it is through Christ, not through anything else. If you can have Christ in you, not with you! Am saying “in you” then you can do all things. But this is if you allow him to drive you out of the comfort zone.
What is your comfort zone?   Move out now; do not say tomorrow, for it never comes. Today endures forever, yesterday is history, now will never become then, when then comes it becomes now……
Take a step towards hope… move now Leave your comfort zone.
Nicholas Kimulu

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Nice piece of inspiration! Fear is what really holds us back, but the Lord says "Fear not for I am with you". Am moving out of comfort zone to my destiny, that place of abundance!


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