Can your dream affect your life?

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What did you dream last night? Who did you see in the dream? Can the dream affect your life? Do you think it was a good dream or a bad one?
Well the truth is this that dreams are intelligence reports God gives to us every time the alshabab of the kingdom of the devil plan an attack or when we need to make a decision on critical issues in our lives. For example, if someone is planning to do you arm, you will have dreams like someone chasing you and you are screaming, or some fierce animal chasing you!! If say for example you are dating a guy and God wants you leave him, you will maybe get dreams showing you that there is something wrong.  And by that you can take action and save yourself.
Now not all dreams come from God, some come from the devil himself and are meant to harass you or to act as an entry point for trouble. For example if you find yourself having sex with another man other than your husband or even husband in the dream, you are in for a mess in your marriage. If you see yourself climbing an endless lane or being bitten by dogs, or dogs backing at you etc, You need to take action.
Now as you read this I know you are evaluating your life, could there be a point whereby, if you see a certain dream something happens? Well that can be a great entry point, to this content am going to share below. Ignoring a dream can be costly! You need to take action after every dream so as either to neutralize its intentions or to affirm its intention. How can I do that?  See what this person did:
Citation Email From Elisha to Me
She began to pray like this:
"Every dog barking at my destiny, let the fire of God consume you to ashes."
Then it happened.

Please note the outcome of this dream encounter...and its immediate manifestation the very next day.

Let's hear her out:


Praise God Elisha! I thank God for the Prayer Academy. Each time i started to pray and during my worship sessions, i thanked God for enlisting me into His military academy,
and training me for war! During the Lesson 3 prayer week, I incorporated this prayer
point each time I got to the prayer points on satanic animals.

Every dog barking at my destiny let the fire of God consume you to ashes in Jesus name.

I then had a dream when i was coming from a prayer meeting with my sister. We decided to use a different route home. Out of nowhere, huge dogs and bears came charging at our car.

They were vicious. I stepped hard on the gas pedal, charged at the dog and knocked it dead! Then a huge bear came. My car seat was constrained so i had a problem moving the car fast enough.

I pushed myself very hard, accelerated and knocked it and left it gasping its last breath.

The next day i found out that my landlords dog that was always in my compound and had made me so restless in my spirit was dead. Apparently, during the night, fire broke out from nowhere and burnt an electric cable that brought light to the kennel and electrocuted the dog!!!!

Elisha, everyone here thought that was strange, but for me,
the God of Elijah showed up for my sake. I know i have broken
through. Bless the name of the Lord!
Praise the Lord.
Targeted prayer bullets.

You may have noticed an epidemic of satanic animals roaming around your neighborhood... on evil assignments. Dogs, cats, wolves, you name it.

But what's God's perspective?

Exodus 11:7 says:

But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that you may know how that the LORD does put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.

Today's Christianity has been so "diluted" that many believers are not able to see through these wicked powers masquerading as innocent-looking animals in the day time...... but turning into something else at night (and projecting
into the dream realm).

Actually, this one made a mistake...

I think you should close your eyes and take this prayer:

"Let my enemies make mistakes that will move
me forward in Jesus name."

So sad that many believers go searching for miracles in the camp of the enemy...

When there are prayers to solve every problem known to man ...embedded in the pages of scripture. Sharp prayer bullets, waiting to be called into action, to deal with your goliaths and pharaohs... even in the dream. Let me say it again...

Your midnight prayers should scare the living daylights out of stubborn powers pursuing your life. Congratulations to NN and all the soaring eagles who came with us on the just-ended Golden Journey Express.
The blog is still open -- now go take a look at the FLOOD of testimonies coming in as a result.
Praise the Lord.
Please say this with me:
"I will not be bought off." "I will not sell out." "I will not quit... in the name of Jesus"
Be An Overcomer

You see what they did. You too can do the same and win.. Its a matter of praying to victory.
Go ahead and pray, subscribe to our mails on top so that you can get any new message we post.

Nicholas Kim


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