Have you ever found yourself in a situation whereby you have done something and you are feeling guilty? Or maybe you have said something and a voice inside you is telling you that you have done it wrongly. Have you ever taken an action and later felt that you had done the wrong thing? What really happens so that you act and still feel guilty of your action? A person offends you at workplace and in your anger you send them parking only to regret later when they are gone?
This is the power of the heart which is always felt in silence. In this post we will talk about the heart and the mind with the aim of establishing a clear difference between the two.
The mind is partly physical, can be seen, and partly spiritual. The content can not be seen but the container can be seen. The heart on the other hand is spiritual in every way. It can not be seen neither its content. The mind is full of both good and evil things and it’s quite hard for anyone to prevent evil things from entering their minds. The content of any heart depends on the ruler who is either Christ or the devil. Where Christ reigns the heart is mostly full of the word of God while where the devil reigns the heart is full of his own wisdom which (lies). It is possible for a person to prevent content from entering in to their hearts. Anything coming from outside first reaches the mind and so the mind discovers his status as either good or evil depending on the beliefs stored in the heart. Where a structure is not presented by the heart the mind judges first and passes the argument to the heart with parameters concerning its finding and reasons for approval. Any time some one creates an impression about something they have heard the mind uses these arguments in the impression to explain to the heart why such a thing should be admitted as a belief. If it successfully convinces the heart then the querry in question is appended in the heart as a belief.
Before allowing anything in, the heart counter checks it with the stored procedures which determine what is acceptable and what is not. It then approves when appropriate and disapproves the inappropriate.
Now the mind is workshop of the devil and in many cases he creates powerful impressions which it does not find sense dispensing. Some wonderful lies of the devil are worthy the mind but never appropriate for the Christ Ruled heart. At times the devil comes with wonderful lies powered by what we see and hear and deceives the mind in a way that it can not know whether it’s a lie.
The devil does not make decisions for people quite often. In many cases he gives out arguments to the mind and pressurizes one to think and act. This is the reason why Paul said “We destroy arguments ….” Whenever he crafts this impressions he pushes the mind to “think and act fast” In the thoughts he adds proves from what is seen and heard thus suppressing the heart’s voice completely. It is at this time when people act and later regret. For example when some one offends you, the devil impresses the mind in quest for a revenge and so the using the reproach which can be seen and the words heard he powers up the mind to say “ No I can not allow this any more! You can’t do that! I will hit you” And as soon as the voice of the heart which says “forgive him” is utterly suppressed then one takes action against the other. Later When your mind has gone down the voice of the heart starts building up and you can hear it saying “Did God not forgive you greater than this? Why did you do that? Then you wonder where that voice was when you were doing that. It was the power of the noisy mind powered by the lies of the devil. Learn to be quick to hear but slow to act to give the heart time to come up higher than the mind. For if the heart is full Jesus then it is full of God’s will which you can always love to do.
The will of God can be easily done by listening to the heart that is full of Jesus.
Give it a try today. Don’t buy that car; let the voice in the heart come out no matter how good the deal is. You will easily do the will of God.
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