The seven Furios prayers for Feb

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The month  often considered by many to be the hardest has come to an end and a new one has come. It will soon be painted Red a symbol of blood but branded with a quality name 'The month of Love". I am saying blood because there is a spiritual meaning behind this. It is the month when most blood covenants are sealed. The face value is Love but the hidden value is blood covenants.
There is nothing on earth stronger than a blood covenant. God created blood in a way that it remained to be most powerful fluid anywhere. It has power to speak, It has power to cleanse and blood has power to condemn. 
When Cain in the bible killed his brother, his blood spoke against him and he became a cursed being. The blood condemned him for the heinous act. When Christ came and gave us a new covenant, he sealed it with his own blood; having it completely drained from his body. 

If there are problems hard to deal with on earth, they  are problems involving any kind of blood. and worse is problems involving human blood. When people shed blood to acquire property or items, they open a gate to endless sorrows. They create invisible enemies who continue dealing with their generation even when  they are long gone. Ignorantly many Christians suffer from such covenants thinking that the enemy has no legal foothold over their lives. How will you run away and the land you are currently living in was grabbed from a  person whose family was evicted in war, and the remnants live in tents as squatters. How will you escape and your current position at work was as a result of injustice. This is what is called a legal foothold of the devil in ones life. It is for this reason that Children keep suffering because of the wickedness of their parents even when they are long dead. 

The blood of the owners of that land you live in could still be struggling to evacuate you: Some of them are still harvesting whatever you sow there. If you blindly sit back, you will never make any progress. They will afflict you with anything they can find: Be it sickness, weakness, poverty among many others. When we be ignorant we fall freely  in to the hands of the enemy.

  I know there are places where they offer children to satanic alters. Those are the worst places one can live. People born in such places have some limitations in spiritual matters. There are some spiritual heights they can not reach unless they wage warfare to the extremes.Really?  Its such serious! have you net seen pastors with a good message struggling with a small congregation for years while another one with a fairly good building a mega church in two years?
If you were born in a family free from idolatry and you wish to succeed in God, its easy. You fight fewer demons and face less resistance. But if your culture demanded some sacrifices be offered including cutting marks on the whole body or slaughtering an animal during a certain period say month,succes is not easy. 
This is the reason behind the struggles most Christians experience. I know many f the "So called free guys condemn this kind of brethren, but the Yoke they  bear and the battle they fight  is tougher than they portray on the physical.
The blood shed for the satanists as a sacrifice seals another covenant, which does not Just go because you have received Christ or have been prayed for by anointed men of God. 
Do not be deceived, when you allow Christ in your life, no demon can stay there, but they can manipulate you and the outcome of your activities remotely. They can scale the congregation you pastor so that you will never go beyond a given number of daily attendees.
But, is there a way out?
Yes there is a way out.
In a lay mans language I will say " You have to become too hot such that the enemy can not touch you nor anything related with you"
The Road between heaven and earth has characters to be dealt with. This invisible beings in an invisible road can delay or stop your angel from delivering stuff from above. 
 Have deliveries from heaven subsided?
Have you noticed a decline nowadays on the miracles you get from God? 
Maybe they have a road block or something!
Find out and take action... There is a way out of all sorrows. I will sum it up in to three words: knowledge, understanding and action:

You need to first  search your life and find why you are suffering, then you need to know how to pray to save your life. Not just squandering all your efforts.Finally you need to do something. knowing alone is not enough..Taking action will guarantee you a change..
You need to pray you need to fast, you need to break every covenant sealed against, you need to fight the opposer who ensures that you never get any good thing. You need to Fast on purpose. I insist that you need to FAST on purpose. Not just skipping breakfast... Fast until you feel a change in the body.. yes until the all attention in you is centered.

Do you want to see a change this month: try this free plan
Take three days of prayer and fasting without taking anything:
Pray this points with all your strength, at given intervals within the day:

At 12 noon, at 3:00pm, at 6:00 pm and at midnight. At least that serves for discipline. Then watch to see what happens. Keep a record of your dreams..  When something good comes do not fail to share the post with your friends. Some may oppose you. Do not just listen to their criticism, they may have never had experience s like you:

1. O Lord, release unto me the key to possess my possessions this month in Jesus name
2. All the miracles I had been pursuing, begin to pursue me and overtake me from today in Jesus name.
3. I silence every evil voice speaking against my favour this month in the name of Jesus.
4. Every satanic embargo on my progress, be lifted be broken in the name of Jesus.
5. Every Judas of the night, fall down and die in the name of Jesus.
6. I kill the seed of goliath in my life in the name of Jesus
7. Let the blood of Jesus speak peace unto my family in Jesus name.


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